Volunteer Spotlight: Justine Drummond

Editors BC is proud to spotlight our April volunteer of the month, Justine Drummond. Justine volunteers as an editor with our Blue Pencil sessions. In this interview, Justin Chevrier, Editors BC’s volunteer coordinator, asks Justine about her favourite word, milestones in her editing career, and more.   

Justine Drummond smiling.

What or who makes you laugh out loud?

Maria Bamford.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Reese’s Puffs cereal. 

What is your dream vacation destination? Why?

New Zealand. The Lord of the Rings is my favourite novel and movie trilogy (extended edition, of course).

Which actor would play you in a biopic of your life?

Alia Shawkat—both for the resemblance and because I enjoy her work.

If you were presented with a book that told the story of your life from start to finish, what would you do with it?

Hire someone to read it and warn me against potential disasters. Then, seal the book in a time capsule to be opened and fact-checked at my funeral.

What is the last book you read?

The Book of Goose by Yiyun Li.

What are you currently working on? 

I am working on the Editing Certificate at SFU; I hope to complete the program this fall!

What is your favourite punctuation mark?

I love—and overuse—em dashes.

What is your favourite word? Why?

Crepuscular—because it is fun to say, and because twilight is the best part of the day.

What is the best book you read in the last year?

Big Swiss by Jen Beagin.

What are your favourite book genres?

Creative non-fiction, literary fiction, psychological fiction, and mystery.

What is your favourite thing about being an editor? 

Creativity and collaboration.

What is your proudest editing moment? 

Getting my first paid gig.

What is your favourite Editors BC memory? 

Show and tell. (Editors have great pens.)

What is the most important lesson you ever learned?

Listening is the most vital communication skill.

What advice do you have for new editors? 

Read about editing, writing, and everything else that interests you.

What advice do you have for new members of Editors BC? 

Try volunteering—it isn’t as scary as it seems!

About Justine

Justine Drummond is a professional writer and editor. She completed a bachelor of arts with distinction in co-operative education and a master of arts at the University of Victoria. She is currently finishing an editing certificate at Simon Fraser University. A student affiliate of Editors Canada, she lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Connect with her at justinedrummond.com

Interview by Justin Chevrier; Copy editing by Alison George

Alison George is a student affiliate of Editors Canada and is currently working on an editing certificate at SFU. She has a bachelor of arts with a concentration in theatre from SFU and a certificate in early childhood care and education from Selkirk College. She recently retired from a 15-year career as a homeschool parent of two children and has a special interest in inclusive, child-led education. Her dream editing job would be editing graphic novels, comics, and children’s books. She lives in Crawford Bay, BC.

Justin Chevrier is an editor and the owner of Erasmus Editorial. He has a BA in history from the University of the Fraser Valley and has completed the Editing Certificate program at Simon Fraser University. His freelance clients include non-fiction authors in the genres of business, memoir, and religion, and he copy edits academic journal articles of all scientific disciplines.

Outside of editing, Justin enjoys going on walks, making art, and spending time with his four young nieces.

If you would like to volunteer with Editors BC, please email Justin.

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